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Venue: V.P.O Chhawla New delhi 110071

Venue: V.P.O Chhawla New delhi 110071
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Kuan Pujan Invitation
on July 11,2022

Smt.Rajbala & Sh.Kuldeep Sehrawat

Cordially invite you on the auspicious occasion of the
KUAN PUJAN ceremony of their Grand Son

(S/o Mrs. Usha & Mr. Manjeet Sehrawat)

Your graceful presence will make this occasion more special
Be there to shower your blessings and love.

Venue: V.P.O Chhawla New delhi 110071

On Monday, 11th July 2022

kuan pujan.....................04:00 PM
Followed by dinner............05:00 PM

With Best Compliments

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