The beauty of spring whispers in the ears that it is Easter.
Let the beauty of spring freshen up your days to come.
To make this day more meaningful,
I will give you time to be silent and say a little prayer to God.
He loves to see children pray.
Happy Easter!
May you and your family be blessed with
countless blessings from the Lord.
May your life be transformed magically
into something beautiful and magical.
Happy Easter to you and your loved ones.
Jump and spread the happiness!
You are an apple in the eyes of God.
He loves you as much as He loves Jesus Christ, His Son.
Happy Easter!
Best wishes to you this Easter.
May your life be blessed with joy and prosperity.
Happy Easter!
My wishes for your this Easter.
Good health,
Good fortune,
And Fulfilling life.
Happy Easter!
Warm and sincere wishes to you and
your family on the glorious day of Easter.
May the risen Christ visit you and your families.
Easter is a good time to enjoy
all of your many meaningful blessings:
family, friends, Jesus, and, of course,
chocolate molded into tasty bunnies.
Easter gives hope for tomorrow,
As after the winter comes Spring.
Our hearts can be filled with gladness
As hearts rejoice and sing.
The celebration of holy love…
The day of resurrection…
The day that brings us new hope…
Have a great and wonderful Easter!
Jesus choose to lay down on the cross in the place of us,
so that we can have life. So great is his love for
each one of us. Let us praise and worship Him.
Have a Blessed Easter.
Happy Easter!
I hope some time out for rest and relaxation
with your loved ones puts a spring in
your step and gives you a chance to
celebrate life and all its blessings.
Wishing you good luck with the
Easter egg hunt this year!
Here's hoping that you find
the Easter Bunny's secret stash - Happy Easter!
What a lovely day!
Let us shout our hearts out as we
celebrate the resurrection of our Savior!
Happy Easter!
May the angels protect you
May the sadness forget you
May goodness surround you
And may Lord Jesus Christ always bless you
Happy Easter!
May Easter Day Brings
Lot of Happiness And joy in your life
May you live long life
And Easter Day comes in your life hundred times
Wish you and your family a very fun filled Easter!