Jump and spread the happiness!
You are an apple in the eyes of God.
He loves you as much as He loves Jesus Christ, His Son.
Happy Easter!
My mistake was an accident but our friendship isn't.
My apology is full of regret but our friendship isn't.
I'm sorry.
You will soon start a new phase of life!
But that can wait until you are older.
Enjoy another year of being young.
Happy Birthday.
Let's wrap up our love in
beautiful Christmas paper,
open it up on Christmas and
share it all year long.
I Know How Angry You Are ...
What You Must Be Going Through
So I Hope , You Know
How Sorry I Am For All
That Happens Between Us ...
Please Forgive Me
Best wishes for a Happy New Year
That makes your dreams to real.
That makes your love to a dream
That makes your home a heaven!!
May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift,
your abs and your stocks not fall; and may
your blood pressure, your triglycerides,
your cholesterol, your white blood count
and your mortgage interest not rise.
Don't get too scared if a fat dude in red shows
up at your door step and tries to wrap you up
in gift paper. He is Santa Claus and he's going
to simply send you to me, cause I added you
to my wish-list this Christmas. Happy Xmas day to you!
Don't worry when others are unable to understand you.
Worry only when you are not able to understand yourself.
May you have a Happy New Year.
A New Year is the chance to start
over with a clean slate.
Too bad my credit card won't start
over with a blank slate.
It's not the name that makes someone unique,
but the person who makes the name unique!
Love is not an exam to pass or fail,
Love is not a competition to win or loss,
But love is a feeling in which you care for
someone more than yourself…
If Roses were black and violets were brown,
my love for you would never be found,
but roses are red and violets are blue,
all I want to say is Happy women's day to you.
As Christmas and the New Year approaches,
I want to take time to tell you how blessed
I feel to know you. Here's to wishing you
a very Merry Christmas and amazing New Year.
Just as the rain makes everything new,
our love washes all sorrows and cares away.
Life begins again.
In warm appreciation of our association
during the past year, we extend our
very best wishes for a happy holiday season.
Don't believe the people who tell you different,
turning into an adult is one of the greatest things in the world.
1066, 1492, 1776, and…your birthday?
The good news is that they aren't teaching
the date of your birth in history classes yet.
The bad news is that means I don't have
the date memorized. Happy belated birthday!
May each and every day of yours
be renewed with lots of happiness and love.
Happy New Year.
May this holiday season sparkle and shine.
May all your wishes and dreams come true
and may you feel this happiness all year round.