May you discover all your hidden potentials
this New Year and turn them into delightful
ventures bringing you fame and finances to rejoice.
Christmas comes once a year,
So celebrate it with a good cheer,
Make the most of your time,
Like the ring of sweet chime,
Have a lovely day and too,
Merry Christmas wish for you!
Thinking of you on your birthday,
and wishing you all the best!
I hope it is as fantastic as you are,
you deserve the best and nothing less.
As we rejoice and celebrate this wonderful season of Christmas,
let us not forget to thank baby Jesus for coming into our lives.
Let us together prepare ourselves to welcome
him into the homes of our hearts.
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
Scientists discovered, that the older a girl gets,
the more likely she is dreaming about having 2 men...
1 for cooking and 1 for cleaning!
Keep dreaming and have a Happy Bday!
A Christmas Reminder: Don't try to borrow
any money from elves; They're always a little short!
Have a Merry Christmas!
Wishing you a New year
Which will look as one as one for you
And you will bable to walk even though you are drunk
Happy New Year
If there was a day for everything
you have given to me as a mother,
it would be a Mother's Day every day.
May your new bundle of joy bring happiness
in your life and fill a void in your heart.
Take pride in loving and raising your little miracle.
I know you will be the best dad you can possibly be.
When the world was created,
you were also created to beautify it.
You have done your work perfectly
for all the world is smiling for you today.
Just wanted to thank you from
bottom of my heart for all things you do!
Happy Womens Day!
Men will spend 2 dollars on a 1 dollar item
that they desperately need.
Women will spend 1 dollar on a 2 dollar item
that they don't need at all.
For a fresh and bright New Year.
Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!
Thank you all for your messages and greeting cards.
I will take time and enjoy reading them all.
I am so grateful from the bottom of my heart.
The Lord came to earth
with a life to give,
so each one of us
may continue to live.
Happy Easter!
I love being married.
It's so great to find one special person
you want to annoy for the rest of your life
Finally, the day has arrived.
As you both set to start a new life
of togetherness, here's wishing that
you keep falling in love with each
other time and again in the future.
May this new year brings just happiness not tear,
Everybody loves only you dear,
All your problems will be finish
It's for you my special new year's wish.
The only reason you hate your birthday
is because people give you odd gifts,
scary cards with weird messages in them,
and because you're getting older.
Happy Birthday!
May road go between the roses,
Nightingale sings a song,
Days control in one way,
So have a happy Name Day!