There is nothing sweeter in this world than
the smell of your baby's breath,
the happy cooing sounds and
the gentle kisses on baby skin.
Congratulations on your happy bundle.
Gifts can be thrown away, but the wishes
of true friends like me will stay with you
for the rest of your life. Happy birthday my friend.
Easter brings us hope, may it linger in our hearts forever.
Here's wishing you a very Happy Easter.
Respected Sir, I, occasion of the New Year's Day,
Hope this upcoming New Year brings new inspiran,
Behalf of my family wish you and your family,
all the best on the action to mind and bring lots of happiness!
If life is a song then you have filled it up
with the melody of love and compose it with
tunes of happiness and immense joy.
May this Christmas be happy for you,
May you get everything so new,
Good luck from me for days so bright,
Keep calm and have no fright,
Coz Santa is coming your way,
So make the most of it this day,
Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Let's burst into the New Year together!
Jump with both feet, holding hands
like we've done since I met you.
Happy New Year to my exciting partner in crime!
The tree is decorated, the cookies are made,
the gifts are wrapped; now all that's left
is to wish you a Merry Christmas.
So, Merry Christmas dear friend.
I just want you to know how special
and fortunate I find myself to be blessed
with a woman as loving,
caring and wonderful as you.
Happy Women's Day!
I could bring you flowers, I could give you gifts,
but nothing in this world can truly show you
the love I care for you. Happy Mother's Day!
Having a friend like you is the very best present!
A wish that your special day is bright, sunny and
filled with lots of love and happiness.
With a passing year, shall pass the pains
and troubles of the past. Stop thinking about
the times that are gone, instead waste your time
worrying about the future. May you have a great New Year.
Christmas is always knocking our doors.
Let us stop opening the doors only once in a year!
Wishing you lovely Xmas Holidays!
Wishing your dreams
Begin to come true,
And every tommorow
Be happy for you!
As we enter the New Year together,
let's resolve to appreciate the love
we share and watch it grow deeper.
Happy New Year my love.
I wish you so many blessings this Christmas!
I give you all of my love, from the deepest place in my heart!
With the arrival of your new angel,
shall come immense blessings and love.
Congratulations on this lovely news.
May God bless your family with
loads of fun and peaceful times.
I wrote a letter to Santa and told him to bring
you everything you wanted for Christmas,
so hopefully he will answer and make all you dreams come true.
As the New Year approaches us with hopes anew,
here is wishing you and your family
a wonderful year ahead.
Happy New Year
This Easter, I'm wishing you and your family
to have a prosperous and peaceful life.
May you be blessed with home
filled with harmony, joy and love.
Happy Easter!